I'm fat. or rather should i state I am not at my ideal weight. Now, don't get me wrong I'm not eating ice cream by the barrel and i don't have kankles but more and more I'm becoming displeased with my physically image. I worked my butt off all through college to keep my weight in the 160-170 range and I've been toying with the 180-190 range a lot recently. You may say who cares? well for one I do. I really dislike being out of shape and the 20 pounds is definitely noticeable especially in my face. The extra weight gives me more of a "baby face". As some one you struggles with people thinking he's not 22, I'm hoping to do something about it this new year.
My goal: 165 lbs.
My TimeFrame: By my birthday(March 14).
How: Hard work and eating out less
Let the game begin
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Music that defined my 2010
Definitely Got this idea from Michael Dominice so major props to him. This post is all about the CD's that where being listened to the most and not neccesarily all about new releases.
Mark Tremonti is a beast on guitar. I wish i had half the guitar skills he does. His guitar work on "Slip to the Void" is worth the price of this CD.

I really enjoy the music the guys from Disciple are making. Its honest, hard hitting, and intense spiritual rock. They are clear in their Christian message. Also some really nice vocals here.
2010 CDs:
AB III by Alter Bridge

Horseshoes and Handgrenades - Disciple

I really enjoy the music the guys from Disciple are making. Its honest, hard hitting, and intense spiritual rock. They are clear in their Christian message. Also some really nice vocals here.
How to Destroy Angels - How to Destroy Angels
I'm not a huge indie music fan. So any CD that catches my attention is a good CD. The band is comprised of Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor and his wife. I was struck by how well the band produced an accessible indie CD.
Other Cds in my rotation:
No artwork here, this more a conglormeration artist that piqued my interest in 2010 and who i enjoyed.
welcome to the fall-32 Leaves: I always love some hard rock. Incorporating some grunge work as well and it produces a good Cd...some language which marks it down in my book
warrior poets-This fires embrace: Sort of a Rock/Metal/Alternative conglomeration into one sound of awesomeness
Vision Tour- Submission Red: This band is produced by Ben Kasica of Skillet and it somewhats shows. I'm always a fan of some good chic-fronted rock and Yvonne Winfrey definitely rocks out like no other
The Genesis Prologue - Sons of God: A nice indie rock band...nuff said
Future of Forestry-A feel like a special note should be made that I've only listened to their Christmas stuff..but its amazing. And the fact that i like it should say enough cuz i'm usually not a huge christmas music fan.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
thoughts(or something like it)
1)RED recently sent out a link to download the free mp3 of Feed The Machine from their upcoming CD. Definitely a much harder sound than the previous cd's. This isn't neccesarily a bad thing but i hope that in creating the CD that they maintained their trademark sounds(strings/Michael's clear vocals/slow ballads/etc) on some of the other tracks
2)Its almost christmas...and i have done zero christmas shopping. I also have NO clue at all what i want for christmas this year. I do however have two things on my wish list for next year.
3)Those two things were announced at the Spike VGA's this past weekend: Uncharted 3 and Resistence 3 for PS3...woot woot. So excited. My roomates are equally excited for
The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim
4)Whats your favorite christmas song? Mine is definitely Oh Holy Night
2)Its almost christmas...and i have done zero christmas shopping. I also have NO clue at all what i want for christmas this year. I do however have two things on my wish list for next year.
3)Those two things were announced at the Spike VGA's this past weekend: Uncharted 3 and Resistence 3 for PS3...woot woot. So excited. My roomates are equally excited for
The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim
4)Whats your favorite christmas song? Mine is definitely Oh Holy Night
Friday, December 3, 2010
Holy Snap Batman, its a BlogPost
It would make sense that the blog after i brag about my successful attempts of maintaining a fluid blogging style that i don't blog for a while. I wish i could complain about the hecticness of life or something similar to that...but i really can't. Its been more for a lack of ideas. However, do not fear! I have a blog post today!
Recently I've been listening to the song Dear X, You don't own me by Disciple scene bellow:
I really like the message behind this song, especially after listening to KevinYoung explain it. Basically the song talks about how at points in our life we become a slave to something, whether that be anger, gossip, self destructing thoughts. We are OWNED by these thoughts/feelings. The define us and pull us away from the love of the Father.
However, the Bible teaches us that we can overcome through the power of Christ. As we grow closer to our God it is great to cry out to these past owners that we have been freed by the greatest liberator: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17).
this song becomes a rallying cry for that newfound(or sometime refound) freedom stating simply
"I have found a new love and you can't have me"
Recently I've been listening to the song Dear X, You don't own me by Disciple scene bellow:
I really like the message behind this song, especially after listening to KevinYoung explain it. Basically the song talks about how at points in our life we become a slave to something, whether that be anger, gossip, self destructing thoughts. We are OWNED by these thoughts/feelings. The define us and pull us away from the love of the Father.
However, the Bible teaches us that we can overcome through the power of Christ. As we grow closer to our God it is great to cry out to these past owners that we have been freed by the greatest liberator: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17).
this song becomes a rallying cry for that newfound(or sometime refound) freedom stating simply
"I have found a new love and you can't have me"
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Roll Call
Sort of a top five thoughts of the day sort of post
1. RED has been posting teases of their "Until we have faces" Release...I'm really excited yet trying not to set my expectations too high.
2. Apparently some movie called "harry potter" comes out soon..i've heard its suppose to be good. I've never read the books but i have seen the other movies...but none of them in theaters...so yeah..now you know something about Mike
3.I struggle with letting people know how i'm feeling...i notice this more and more with my CG. I want them to pray for certain things but i never feel like giving the details behind why i feel the way i feel.
4.I have a PS3...see my earlier post on why i did so..anywho..BlackOps is sooo much fun. I love playing online..haven't even touched single player yet haha
5.I also am finding new ways to worship...my new church sings songs i'm not very familiar with but that are very powerful. Its good learning new songs that you can shout to God
Psalm 98:1
Sing to the LORD a new song,
for he has done marvelous things;
his right hand and his holy arm
have worked salvation.
1. RED has been posting teases of their "Until we have faces" Release...I'm really excited yet trying not to set my expectations too high.
2. Apparently some movie called "harry potter" comes out soon..i've heard its suppose to be good. I've never read the books but i have seen the other movies...but none of them in theaters...so yeah..now you know something about Mike
3.I struggle with letting people know how i'm feeling...i notice this more and more with my CG. I want them to pray for certain things but i never feel like giving the details behind why i feel the way i feel.
4.I have a PS3...see my earlier post on why i did so..anywho..BlackOps is sooo much fun. I love playing online..haven't even touched single player yet haha
5.I also am finding new ways to worship...my new church sings songs i'm not very familiar with but that are very powerful. Its good learning new songs that you can shout to God
Psalm 98:1
Sing to the LORD a new song,
for he has done marvelous things;
his right hand and his holy arm
have worked salvation.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Big Church Syndrome
Having come from a big church and currently attending a big church...i hear the same primary complaint from people who visit, mainly "This church is TOO big." However, I don't think the complaint is directed at the size of the church. What i think the real complaint is "I don't feel like i fit in." I feel that this complaint is easily to address for the church.
If you currently attend a big church:
-look at who is "hugging the wall" in the foyer. These people are probably new to the church and a bit taken back by its size. Greeting them helps connect them to the church and makes them feel involved.
-Similarly, look for those wondering the foyer/sitting alone as they can also be new people.
Basically in case those points didn't do it for you...LOOK FOR NEW FACES! Yes most likely the greeting team welcomed them, but real conversation starts with us stepping out of our comfort zones and saying hello.
If you currently attend a big church:
-look at who is "hugging the wall" in the foyer. These people are probably new to the church and a bit taken back by its size. Greeting them helps connect them to the church and makes them feel involved.
-Similarly, look for those wondering the foyer/sitting alone as they can also be new people.
Basically in case those points didn't do it for you...LOOK FOR NEW FACES! Yes most likely the greeting team welcomed them, but real conversation starts with us stepping out of our comfort zones and saying hello.
Monday, November 1, 2010
I like Zombies...you know in the "they are super cool but i am sure glad they don't really exist" sort of way. I think Halloween is one of those holidays I'll never understand. Most of that is due to my upbringing. You see...Halloween use to be "of the devil" as did rock music, rated R movies, and just about everything else. So i never really dressed up, never went trick or treating..and as a whole don't understand the fascination with the day.
I do however understand the fascination with scary movies! I love scary movies! anything that is deep/dark/disturbing i am totally game for!. With all this said i went to go to see Saw3D last night. I love the saw series because its always had an underlying psychological element to it...not so with this movie. It was blood and guts and more blood and guts without a semblance of plot/meaning. I really hope this is the last in the series...a series with so much promise that really just did not work out.
I do however understand the fascination with scary movies! I love scary movies! anything that is deep/dark/disturbing i am totally game for!. With all this said i went to go to see Saw3D last night. I love the saw series because its always had an underlying psychological element to it...not so with this movie. It was blood and guts and more blood and guts without a semblance of plot/meaning. I really hope this is the last in the series...a series with so much promise that really just did not work out.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Click Click...BOOM!
Sometimes i feel the names for individual blog posts are better than the blog themselves...
Anywho, I included in this post some pics of my weekend. Hope you enjoy.
This first pic is from the ODU Blue vs White basketball game. Our starting 5 are looking really sick but our bench is going to have to pick it up if we want to play with the big guns this year.

Below is a picture of myself with Carlos Whittaker. Carlos is a musician/blogger extordinare. You can find his blog at ragamuffinsoul.com Carlos had an awesome worship set and was full of energy. After this pic was taken i told him Brock Lesnar would beat cain velasquez..I was wrong but it was really fun just to interact with him.
Anywho, I included in this post some pics of my weekend. Hope you enjoy.
This first pic is from the ODU Blue vs White basketball game. Our starting 5 are looking really sick but our bench is going to have to pick it up if we want to play with the big guns this year.

Below is a picture of myself with Carlos Whittaker. Carlos is a musician/blogger extordinare. You can find his blog at ragamuffinsoul.com Carlos had an awesome worship set and was full of energy. After this pic was taken i told him Brock Lesnar would beat cain velasquez..I was wrong but it was really fun just to interact with him.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
What a week
Man this week has been so tough mentally, spiritually, and physically for me. Its seems like God has decided "its clobbering time"...yes that is a Hulk reference...anywho, I find like I have to handle this alone...but of recent God has really shown me that others are going through EXACTLY what i am going through and can help me.
Proverbs 13:20 NIV
He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harms.
Proverbs17:17 NIV
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NIV
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
II Timothy 4:17-18
But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen
Proverbs 13:20 NIV
He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harms.
Proverbs17:17 NIV
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NIV
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
II Timothy 4:17-18
But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Checking my email
I find that checking my email can either be the most glorious of experience or the most dejecting. Actually the same goes for checking my text messages and my twitters...tweets? anywho...the point I'm getting at is that when i'm gone from technology for a while(like out playing tennis) and i get back i EXPECT to see some reply. My thought process is "surely someone cares about me enough to contact me in some manner in the past 3 hours"
Sometimes I wonder if God is like me. Like...if i don't pray to God on a consistent basis(which is normally the case) does it cause Him heartache? I find myself being reminded that I need to be in consistent dialogue with God. If i'm not i tend to lose focus from what's really important.
Sometimes I wonder if God is like me. Like...if i don't pray to God on a consistent basis(which is normally the case) does it cause Him heartache? I find myself being reminded that I need to be in consistent dialogue with God. If i'm not i tend to lose focus from what's really important.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Kick It!
Stuff that's on my mind/I feel like blogging about
-How do we come up with new words? Like seriously...is there like a big meeting of all the English majors in the world? Do all the major Dictionaries jsut decide to add a word in? Whatever the answer is i feel i should be at these meetings...then we'd have awesome words like splendiferous.
-Also, how do we come up with holidays? not the major ones but the small ones like "National Talk like a Pirate Day"...can I get in on those meetings too? We would have National Give Presents to Mike Day!!! :D
-On to something more serious...How do i balance my desire to joke around and have fun with my desire to be serious. I have a really hard time blending the two into one seamless persona. This has led to situations in the recent past where i have been called fake. As I told my CG last week, My one desire is for others to see me as Real.
-How do we come up with new words? Like seriously...is there like a big meeting of all the English majors in the world? Do all the major Dictionaries jsut decide to add a word in? Whatever the answer is i feel i should be at these meetings...then we'd have awesome words like splendiferous.
-Also, how do we come up with holidays? not the major ones but the small ones like "National Talk like a Pirate Day"...can I get in on those meetings too? We would have National Give Presents to Mike Day!!! :D
-On to something more serious...How do i balance my desire to joke around and have fun with my desire to be serious. I have a really hard time blending the two into one seamless persona. This has led to situations in the recent past where i have been called fake. As I told my CG last week, My one desire is for others to see me as Real.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Habernero Sauce for your faith
On the one hand, it’s an extremely desirable trait.
Most of us, as Christians, would say we want to be
humble, right? Or at least we want to be thought of as
humble. At the same time, few of us have given attention
to what being humble actually means. Even fewer have
considered what it takes to grow in humility.
In place of true humility we learn certain words or
phrases that we believe make us sound humble: “Oh,
really, it was nothing” or “Anyone could have done it.” We
cast our eyes down and shrug our shoulders or maybe
even blush. Of course, we don’t really mean it—inside
we’re congratulating ourselves for how humble we look
and feel. We want that reputation but don’t know how to
get to the reality. Like children playing dress-up in their
parents’ clothes, we’re only acting humble; none of it really
fits us."-Joshua Harris
On the one hand, it’s an extremely desirable trait.
Most of us, as Christians, would say we want to be
humble, right? Or at least we want to be thought of as
humble. At the same time, few of us have given attention
to what being humble actually means. Even fewer have
considered what it takes to grow in humility.
In place of true humility we learn certain words or
phrases that we believe make us sound humble: “Oh,
really, it was nothing” or “Anyone could have done it.” We
cast our eyes down and shrug our shoulders or maybe
even blush. Of course, we don’t really mean it—inside
we’re congratulating ourselves for how humble we look
and feel. We want that reputation but don’t know how to
get to the reality. Like children playing dress-up in their
parents’ clothes, we’re only acting humble; none of it really
fits us."-Joshua Harris
Monday, September 20, 2010
I've seen a post going around FB entitled "15 albums that will always stick with you." While I don't know if my list is filled with amazing great awesome music. This is my list with reasoning
1-Intermission(DC Talk)...Bitter sweet CD as it was the last one before they went Solo. Combined all the greatest hits into one mega awesome CD.
2-Restored(jeremy camp)...This was really my first worship album that i purely enjoyed. Really strong vocals and really moving lyrics.
3-Phenomenon(Thousand Foot Krutch)- Really my first foray into the Christian Rock sphere. I must admit i love the evolution of TFK as not one of their CD's sounds the same. This CD was solid nu-rock and every song is a hit in my book.
4-Two lefts don't make a right but three do(Relient K)-I mean honestly..who doesn't love this CD?
5-Beautiful Letdown(switchfoot)-A) I love this CD. B) This ended up being my first concert
6-Bloom(Unsed)-A local band from VA. This EP has some really solid music. I especially love the song "hands of God"
7-The young and the hopeless(Good CHarlote)-I was angsty at one point in my life
8-Strong Tower(Kutless)-My favorite worship CD to date
9-Instinct and Innocence(Red)-I LOVE RED! my favorite band.
10-One Day Remains(Alter Bridge)-I just really really like this CD. Some awesome rock and some catchy music. Metalingus!
11-Punisher Soundtrack(Various)-Really my introduction to a lot of the secular rock i listen to(chevelle, drowning pool, seether, etc)
12-How to Destroy Angels(How to destroy angels)-my first foray into indie Rock...pretty much set the standard for what i will listen to indie rock wise.
13-Day of Fire(Day of Fire)-My first intro to josh brown(great great testimony!!!) and some really awesome rock.
14-The Healing of Harms(Fireflight)-Really my introduction to chick fronted rock bands and what led me to trying out bands like paramore, flyleaf, and eowyn
15-Revenge of the OC Supertones(OC Supetones)-I like ska...the end
1-Intermission(DC Talk)...Bitter sweet CD as it was the last one before they went Solo. Combined all the greatest hits into one mega awesome CD.
2-Restored(jeremy camp)...This was really my first worship album that i purely enjoyed. Really strong vocals and really moving lyrics.
3-Phenomenon(Thousand Foot Krutch)- Really my first foray into the Christian Rock sphere. I must admit i love the evolution of TFK as not one of their CD's sounds the same. This CD was solid nu-rock and every song is a hit in my book.
4-Two lefts don't make a right but three do(Relient K)-I mean honestly..who doesn't love this CD?
5-Beautiful Letdown(switchfoot)-A) I love this CD. B) This ended up being my first concert
6-Bloom(Unsed)-A local band from VA. This EP has some really solid music. I especially love the song "hands of God"
7-The young and the hopeless(Good CHarlote)-I was angsty at one point in my life
8-Strong Tower(Kutless)-My favorite worship CD to date
9-Instinct and Innocence(Red)-I LOVE RED! my favorite band.
10-One Day Remains(Alter Bridge)-I just really really like this CD. Some awesome rock and some catchy music. Metalingus!
11-Punisher Soundtrack(Various)-Really my introduction to a lot of the secular rock i listen to(chevelle, drowning pool, seether, etc)
12-How to Destroy Angels(How to destroy angels)-my first foray into indie Rock...pretty much set the standard for what i will listen to indie rock wise.
13-Day of Fire(Day of Fire)-My first intro to josh brown(great great testimony!!!) and some really awesome rock.
14-The Healing of Harms(Fireflight)-Really my introduction to chick fronted rock bands and what led me to trying out bands like paramore, flyleaf, and eowyn
15-Revenge of the OC Supertones(OC Supetones)-I like ska...the end
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The gym
So i was reading robshep.com today(shameless plug!!!) and he talked about why he hated running outside...I figured I'd counter with why i hate working out indoors.
-I have the upper body strength of a 7 year girl...or something like that. Seriously i feel ridiculous when i bench because i barely have any weights on the bar...then some He-Man walks up and pushes up 200lbs+ like its a piece of cake...I hide in shame.
-You can never decide you don't want to do a workout anymore...once you start you have to finish...this means if i'm on the treadmill and my heart is exploding...i have to still run or else i'll look lame.
-I feel like the people in cars who see me working out think "oh wow look at that dedication to working out" (this is what i think when i see people work out) where as the people at the gym think "he comes to the gym and thats all he can do..."
just saying...
-I have the upper body strength of a 7 year girl...or something like that. Seriously i feel ridiculous when i bench because i barely have any weights on the bar...then some He-Man walks up and pushes up 200lbs+ like its a piece of cake...I hide in shame.
-You can never decide you don't want to do a workout anymore...once you start you have to finish...this means if i'm on the treadmill and my heart is exploding...i have to still run or else i'll look lame.
-I feel like the people in cars who see me working out think "oh wow look at that dedication to working out" (this is what i think when i see people work out) where as the people at the gym think "he comes to the gym and thats all he can do..."
just saying...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Who's got the funk?
man my life has really just been in a funk of late. Normally i would spend hours at the basketball court trying to break out of this but i have been so busy between work and school that i really haven't been able to address it. Kinda feel like i'm spinning in circles.
Highlights of the week/Stuff thats on my mind
-What on earth is up with VT football? Seriously
-Holy Plot development! Psych had a great end on its summer session to set up for spring... I love that show!
-Not going to be able to go to the almost/house of heroes concert... :(
Highlights of the week/Stuff thats on my mind
-What on earth is up with VT football? Seriously
-Holy Plot development! Psych had a great end on its summer session to set up for spring... I love that show!
-Not going to be able to go to the almost/house of heroes concert... :(
Friday, September 3, 2010
Things I'm excited about
-30 Seconds to Mars concert tonight. I plan on taunting a couple friends with pics/videos after the concert. I'm really hoping they play kings and queens and the kill. Easily my favorite 30 STMs songs.
-please Google "carlos whittaker single ladies"
-Note on Carlos...he's going to be in VB with John Mark McMillian("how he Loves") and Jeremy Camp on October 23rd. I propose people go to this awesome worship experience.
-I swear I had a really awesome post to make and then it completely slipped my mind. Hope you don't mind this instead.
-RED was everything I hoped they'd be and more. The guys did awesome. i really wish VB got more pumped for opening acts.
-The Almost, Chasen, and House of Heroes on Sept 17th at Club Relevant=Awesome
-please Google "carlos whittaker single ladies"
-Note on Carlos...he's going to be in VB with John Mark McMillian("how he Loves") and Jeremy Camp on October 23rd. I propose people go to this awesome worship experience.
-I swear I had a really awesome post to make and then it completely slipped my mind. Hope you don't mind this instead.
-RED was everything I hoped they'd be and more. The guys did awesome. i really wish VB got more pumped for opening acts.
-The Almost, Chasen, and House of Heroes on Sept 17th at Club Relevant=Awesome
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Being Gradumacated: An intro to the real world
Thats right...I graduated in May 2010. And I must say I definitely felt like life would be way more baller than it is now
side note:baller is such an awesome word. I like to use it all the time even though it gets me stares all the time.
back to the story...be graduated is tough. Not only are there bills. But now I have to keep myself accountable for such things as working out, balancing my checkbook, etc.
Realistically none of these should be a problem. Yet I so easily am distracted...What about you? How do you manage this schedule?
side note:baller is such an awesome word. I like to use it all the time even though it gets me stares all the time.
back to the story...be graduated is tough. Not only are there bills. But now I have to keep myself accountable for such things as working out, balancing my checkbook, etc.
Realistically none of these should be a problem. Yet I so easily am distracted...What about you? How do you manage this schedule?
Friday, August 20, 2010
If you're happy and you know it...
I find the basketball court is my sanctum sanctorium(i don't think that means anything but it sounds nifty). Any time I'm having a tough day escaping to the basketball court can bring me the utmost joy. At times I wonder how often I treat the scriptures the same way. When was the last time I ran to the Bible for peace. All of Psalms describes God as our strong tower. I should treat Him as such.
Friday, August 13, 2010
What I am excited about
In only 15 more days...I get to see the band RED in concert. Words cannot express how excited i am that i get to see this band live. RED is my favorite band ever. The only have 2 CD's so far("End of Silence" and "Innocence & Instinct") but they both rock out hard. Plus Creed just happens to be headlining this concert. Now while I do enjoy Alter Bridge infinity times more than Creed, Scott Stapp is one of the unintentionally funniest people alive.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Starting over New

As you can see I've not been very active on my blogging. I'm going to try to pick this up again as an outlet for some stuff i've been doing.
Recently i got a Epiphone SG Special to start my guitar licks on. I must say i've been happy with my progress. Learning something new is always fun. I hope this can be something i use for the rest of my life. Right now I'm strumming only 3 chords...its amazing how many songs can be played.
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